Professional Development
Summary information related to professional development opportunities for postdocs.
Top Resources for Professional Development
Google Conference Scholarships (Americas)
EURAXESS North America
The Research Science Network
Postdoc Academy
Frequently Asked Questions
Are postdocs allowed to teach?
Postdoc positions are designed to provide them with time to focus on research and scholarly activities. Teaching may or may not be an explicit component of a postdoctoral appointment. Postdocs interested in teaching experience should discuss with their mentor but it is at the discretion of the faculty mentor as to whether the postdoc position can include teaching responsibilities. Teaching outside the commitment of a full-time appointment as a postdoc is allowed. The determination of whether the teaching responsibilities fall within the boundaries of the scholar’s appointment is made by faculty mentor based on the terms and conditions of the postdoctoral appointment described in the offer letter.
If teaching is a part of the postdoc appointment, then it should be clearly outlined in the appointment letter with a description of associated training goals. This applies regardless of whether or not the teaching occurs within or outside of the postdoc lab and/or research group, department or school, even if provided within the context of a teaching program. Teaching as part of the postdoctoral appointment does not constitute grounds for payment of additional compensation.
If teaching is not part of the postdoc appointment, approval to teach in addition to the postdoc position should still be approved by the faculty mentor, as teaching responsibilities will often lead to change in the postdoc research commitments and may require prior approval by funding agencies. Depending on the length and scope of teaching effort, a reduction in the postdoctoral commitment may be required. Teaching will be approved only if the teaching opportunity appears to serve the postdoc’s career development.
How does the fellow get started on his/her research?
One of the first things Fellows should do is complete an Individual Development Plan in consultation with the faculty mentor.