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Obligations & Responsibilities

Provides guidance on the obligations and responsibilities of postdocs and faculty mentors while at Penn.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Individual Development Plan (IDP)?

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) refers to a structured document outlining the professional and career development goals of a postdoctoral researcher. IDPs are typically designed to help postdocs identify their strengths, weaknesses, career aspirations, and areas for improvement.

Establishing clear expectations and setting goals with a clear plan for achieving them are critical to a productive postdoctoral experience. Therefore, at the beginning of the appointment, faculty mentors should work with their postdocs to complete an IDP.

An IDP should:
– Set clear short-term, mid-term, and long-term training and development goals.
– Create a written action plan for the postdoc’s individual goals, including career objectives and professional development needs.
– Establish clear expectations.
– Identify and use resources to help postdocs achieve their goals.
– Serve as a communication tool between the mentor and the postdoc to have open and direct dialogue.

Are Individual Development Plans (IDP)s required?

IDPs for biomedical postdocs are required. It is strongly encouraged that all postdocs complete an IDP with the faculty mentor. Faculty mentors in the following schools are required to submit their postdocs completed IDP to The Office of Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs (BPP).

Perelman School of Medicine
Penn Nursing
Penn Dental
School of Arts & Sciences, Biology Department

How are IDPs connected to federal policy?

The National Academies and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have identified IDPs as a critical component of postdoctoral training. The NIH policy states:

NIH encourages institutions to develop Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (including scholars, trainees and fellows, and individuals in other postdoctoral positions) supported by NIH awards by October 2014. The IDPs should be broadly implemented for all graduate students and postdoctoral researchers supported by NIH…

[As of] Oct. 1, 2014… NIH will begin to encourage grantees to report the use of those IDPs on the progress report, regardless of the type of NIH grant that is used for support.

Although not yet a formal NIH requirement, those who don’t adopt the IDP locally now are likely to be at a disadvantage at their next competitive review. Note that this policy applies to all trainees supported by NIH funds, whether training grants, R01s or other.

Which Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) CITI Training do I complete?

There are several different discipline specific RCR courses listed in the CITI training. You should choose the course that is most closely associated with your discipline:

Biomedical Research – research in areas like life sciences, biomedical, health sciences, basic biological research, etc.

Social and Behavioral Research – research in areas like anthropology, communication, economics, geography, communication, criminology, international studies, journalism, political science, psychology, sociology, speech and hearing, education, etc.

Physical Sciences – research in areas like physics, earth sciences, chemistry, microbiology, evolution and ecology, astronomy, mathematics, energy, aerospace, lasers, etc.

Humanities – research in areas like visual or performing arts, arts education, English or other languages, religious studies, gender studies, literature, history, etc.

Engineering – research in general engineering fields. This course is very similar to the Physical Science course.

Research Administrators – If you assist in the administration of research rather than the direct conduct of the research, you should select the Research Administrators course.

What is the role of the Faculty Mentor?

Mentors’ responsibilities include: (i) developing in consultation with the postdoc a mutually satisfactory research project or scholarly program; (ii) encouraging postdocs to present their work and to publish their results in a timely fashion; (iii) encouraging postdocs to acquire and enhance their knowledge and technical skills as dictated by their current and future needs; (iv) arrangement and oversight of teaching opportunities as appropriate to their discipline and program; (v) encouraging postdocs to apply for training and research support as appropriate; (vi) meeting regularly with their postdocs to discuss progress in their research; (vii) providing an annual review of performance that includes a discussion of the individualized development plan (IDP) or equivalent performance document; (viii) ensuring that postdocs are aware of University policies regarding postdoctoral training and are instructed about research policies of the University; and (ix) providing career counseling.

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