Research Records
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Primary research records created by Postdoctoral trainees (PDTs) during the tenure of their training at the University of Pennsylvania are the property of the University and are retained by the University when the PDT leaves. If a PDT obtains written permission from their mentor, they may retain a copy of such records as agreed upon by the mentor and the PDT.
Exceptions to this practice may be granted, subject to written prior approval of the Provost’s Office, in fields where it can be convincingly demonstrated that there is a well-established practice that individual scholars retain ownership of data generated through their research efforts. In such cases the PDTs may be permitted to retain notes and records associated with their research and publish their findings subsequent to leaving the University, provided an appropriate acknowledgement is made of the University’s contribution to the work (e.g., in the form of funding).
Related Resources
Policies & Procedures
215-P-COMPLY, Penn’s Confidential Reporting and Help Line
Extramural Activities
Obligations and Responsibilities of Postdocs
Obligations and Responsibilities of Mentors