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Grievance Process for Postdocs


The University of Pennsylvania strives to promote an optimal training and educational experience for its postdoc community through a professional and respectful environment. Open and routine communication between supervisors/mentors and postdocs throughout the postdoc appointment is encouraged in order to clarify expectations, provide an ongoing and timely mechanism for constructive feedback from both parties, as well as offer the opportunity to identify, address/resolve any potential matters as they may arise. It is the expectation that this communication between supervisors and postdoc occurs openly and regularly.

This grievance process has been developed to provide a mechanism for resolution of postdoc grievances which may include matters that have resulted in a perceived or actual negative impact upon the training/educational experience of a postdoc. A matter is grievable only if it is not currently addressable through any other avenue such as University policy or division procedure (thus, for example, complaints of sexual misconduct must be addressed through the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy). At any point, if the postdoc feels as if the matter has been resolved, they may discontinue the grievance process.

Steps to Address a Grievance

Efforts should be taken to address a matter informally.

If informal steps as suggested above have not resulted in a resolution to the matter, a written grievance may be submitted to the Dean of Research or Dean of the applicable school. The grievance should describe the matter and include specific facts supporting the grievance as well as any available supporting documentation; the names of any parties to the matter; any witnesses known to the grievant; as well as the desired outcome. The grievance should be submitted in a timely manner and no later than 90 days after the occurrence of any event giving rise to the grievance.

  • The Dean or Dean’s designee will notify all involved parties of the grievance.The Dean or designee will review the grievance. 
  • The Dean or designee may obtain any information felt necessary to evaluate and make a determination regarding the grievance.
  • The Dean or designee may elect to meet with the involved parties.
  • Any or all functions to be performed by the Dean or Dean’s designee under this section 3 may be referred by such person in their discretion to a committee of one or more persons convened for the purpose, in which case the committee shall report its findings and conclusions to the Dean or designee.
  • The Dean or designee will provide the involved parties with a response regarding the matter in writing. This response will occur within a timely manner, but generally within 60 days (unless circumstances require a longer period for review) and will include a determination as well as a summary of the basis for such determination. 
  • If the PDT believes the decision of the Dean to be inappropriate, the PDT may submit a written appeal to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (VPR) specifying the basis for disagreement with the decision. Appeals are limited to complaints regarding policy or procedure.
    • The written appeal must be submitted no later than 30 days after receipt of the Dean’s determination.
    • General dissatisfaction with the decision is not sufficient reasoning for an appeal.
    • New issues may not be raised for the first time on appeal.
    • The VPR or a designee will review the Dean’s determination.
    • Any or all functions to be performed by the VPR or VPR’s designee under this section 4 may be referred by such person in their discretion to a committee of one or more persons convened for the purpose, in which case the committee shall report its findings and conclusions to the VPR or designee.
    • The VPR or designee will notify the parties to the grievance in writing of the decision and the grounds for the decision, generally within 45 days after the receipt of the appeal (unless circumstances require a longer period for review).
    • The decision of the VPR is final within the institution.
  • In the event a grievance is resolved without recourse to the VPR, the VPR should be notified of the grievance and resolution. Please see bullet under Additional Considerations below.

Additional Considerations

  • University policy prohibits retaliation against any member of the community who participates in good faith in a University compliance, investigative, or review process. For more information, see Policy Against Retaliation (
  • At any point in the grievance process, formal proceedings can be put aside in favor of voluntary mediation agreed to by all parties directly involved in the matter. The University Ombuds Office may be of assistance in pursuing mediation.
  • The time frames set forth in this process may be extended by the relevant administrative officer in their discretion for good cause.
  • The Office of the Vice Provost for Research may periodically review past grievances to address recurring issues or consider modifications to this policy.

Questions concerning the grievance process should be directed to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research.

Related FAQs

How do I address grievances and conflicts?

The University of Pennsylvania strives to promote an optimal training and educational experience for its postdoc community through a professional and respectful environment. Open and routine communication between supervisors/mentors and postdocs throughout the postdoc appointment is encouraged in order to clarify expectations, provide an ongoing and timely mechanism for constructive feedback from both parties, as well as offer the opportunity to identify, address/resolve any potential matters as they may arise. It is the expectation that this communication between supervisors and postdocs occurs openly and regularly. Faculty mentors should refer to the grievance process that is included in the policy for postdoctoral trainees at the University of Pennsylvania for step-by-step information.

Information on the grievance process for postdocs can be found here.

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