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Penn Postdocs in the News: Stanley Collins, Penn Provost Postdoctoral Fellow discusses cashless business practices in a recent Philadelphia Inquirer story

Collins Stanley

Stanley Collins, Penn Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, discusses how cashless business practices impact privacy and surveillance issues in a recent Philadelphia Inquirer story.

Philadelphia Inquirer, March 24, 2024
Stanley Collins, Ph.D. spoke to the Philadelphia Inquirer regarding Philadelphia’s 2019 ban on cashless business and how it impacts people who attend music and sports venues.

“Cashless businesses lend themselves to the “datafication of life.” It’s not just going to a concert, it’s an institution being able to know who is coming to shows, the types of shows they like when they go to shows, and where they live,” said Collins. “They’re not just getting tickets, but also all of these other data points they can use.”