International Postdocs
Provides information for/about prospective international postdocs.
Top Resources for International Postdocs
German Academic International Network (GAIN)
Visa Sponsorship Duration for Foreign National Postdoctoral Researchers and Fellows
NPA International Postdoc Survival Guide
International Spouses & Partners at Penn (ISPP)
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m would like to hire a foreign national as a postdoc. What is the visa process?
It can take up to 6 months for a postdoc to secure a visa, so the first step in hiring is to initiate the visa application process. Most postdocs come to Penn on J1 visas, so you should reach out to your department administrator and Penn ISSS for more information about visa options and to begin the application process.
I have an international postdoc. How long can I appoint them in a postdoc position?
Per the policy, postdoc appointments are made for one year. Postdocs can be reappointed for up to five years total. Faculty mentors who expect to reappoint an international postdoc can offer a multi-year visa sponsorship duration to mitigate the burden of visa renewals if funding is secured for the same period of visa sponsorship, there is an intention to reappoint the postdoc, and the postdoc meets the expectations of the position as documented in an Individual Development Plan. Departments need to include the appropriate language in the appointment or reappointment letter to offer a multi-year visa sponsorship duration and final approval must be secured by ISSS.
Do my insurance options cover the J-1 visa requirements?
Yes. All insurance plans offered through Penn meet the J-1 visa requirements.