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Postdoc Portal

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The Postdoc Portal offers advanced graduate students and current postdocs searching for their next position the chance to connect directly to faculty, research groups, and centers at universities and research labs across the country in STEM. The Postdoc Portal is a free service provided by the Research University Alliance (RUA).

Everyone starts by creating an account.

Advanced graduate students and postdocs from any college, university, or research laboratory begin by creating a postdoc profile including biographical information; statements of research, diversity, and mentoring; a short CV; and up to 4 research interest areas.

Faculty members and senior research scientists wanting to reach out to potential postdocs create a research group profile including statements of research and mentoring; opportunities available to postdocs; contact instructions; and up to 4 research interest areas. Once a research group profile is created, any number of postdoc job listings can be added.

With an account and a submitted profile, users are automatically matched to all the profiles and job postings, based on shared areas of research interest. Users can also browse and search through all postings in the Portal.