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Overview of Resources at Penn to Support Conflict Management and Resolution

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Resolving conflict in the workplace is often a challenging and stressful experience. Postdocs can seek assistance and guidance through a variety of resources available at Penn.

The table below summarizes a list of resources available to postdocs and how the resources can help manage conflict and related concerns.

ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)Centralized office overseeing postdoctoral policy and affairs.Confidentiality will be prioritized. Further support or resolution may require informing other parties with your consent.OPA provides general consultation on conflicts. Reviews and approves formal grievance complaints escalated to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research.  

You can find the formal grievance process for postdocs here.  
Conflicts related to the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague)Email Marta Bartholomew, Director or schedule a meeting during OPA office hours     
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs (BPP)Office that oversees biomedical postdoc appointments. Helps to manage conflicts for PSOM postdocs and PIs.Confidentiality will be prioritized. Further support or resolution may require informing other parties with your consent.  BPP facilitates discussions between involved parties and ensures policies are upheld. Provides guidance to postdocs on available resources.Conflicts related to the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague)Email Josh Darfler, Administrative Director
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Office of the OmbudsCentralized office appointed to “facilitate the resolution of disputes, management of conflicts, and problem solving in relation to obstacles to one’s full and successful participation as a member of the Penn community.”Yes.The Ombuds offers one-on-one consultations regarding conflicts and other matters of concern. It also offers facilitation and informal mediation.Conflicts related to the workplace and will consult on other professional or personal concerns.Request an appointment online.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Penn Trainee Advocacy Alliance Program (TAA)Collaborative group to support trainees facing adversity within the biomedical research community.Yes.TAA provides “a supportive environment to discuss experiences and offers confidential counseling and guidance.”Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern.View TAA member biographies to “find a member you feel most comfortable contacting by email”.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)Benefit available through HR to address personal or professional concerns, including interpersonal conflicts.  Yes.EAP offers consultation on workplace conflict and up to eight sessions of one-on-one counseling.Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern.Call: 1-866-799-2329  

Schedule an EAP appointment through Penn Cobalt

Counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
215-P-Comply (Office of Institutional Compliance – OIC)Resource for reporting if you suspect violations of policies or legal requirements.Yes. Please see website for anonymous reporting.OIC reviews official complaints related to policy violations. Contact OIC if you suspect violations of policies or legal requirements.Complaints and concerns related to policy or procedure violation.Call 215-P-COMPLY or file an online report.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs (OAA)Office charged with ensuring that the University meets its obligations as an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer and educational institution. Yes.OAA reviews and investigates formal complaints related to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.Complaints related to incidents of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.File a complaint following the directions provided here.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Bias Incident Reporting FormAn online form to report concerns about having been treated in a biased or discriminatory manner.   Yes.OAA reviews formal complaint related to bias incidents submitted via the form.Complaints related to incidents of bias in the workplace.Fill out the online form here.  
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Office of the Associate Vice President (AVP) for Equity and Title IX OfficerUniversity Office that oversees the investigation of complaints that allege violations of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.Confidentiality will be prioritized. Please see website for more information.  The AVP manages reports related to violations of Penn’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.Complaints related to sexual misconduct.Call (215) 898-2887 or send an email. You can also schedule an in-person visit. Please see website for more details.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Center for Community Standards and Accountability Center that oversees the resolution of complaints involving alleged misconduct by students.Yes.CSA can assist when there is a conflict with a student. Conflicts with students, specifically related to violations of the academic code or the code of student conduct.To refer a case or request a consultation click here for more information.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Restorative Practices at PennCenter to promote healing, accountability, and community building through facilitated process. Yes. RP@P provides support through restorative practices which include training workshops and facilitation with community circles.Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern.Request a consultation through the online form.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Penn Women’s CenterCenter that advances gender justice through advocating, fostering community, facilitating learning, mentoring, and providing support.Yes.The Women’s Center offers counseling related to issues concerning gender. See full list here.Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern specifically related to gender.  Call 215 898 HELP (4357)   See more information on receiving assistance here.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
African American Resource CenterCenter that “enhances the quality of life at the University of Pennsylvania, with a particular focus on those of African descent”.Yes.AARC offers counseling and mediation. See full list here.Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern specifically supporting but not exclusive to POC.  Email staff. See list here.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) CenterCenter that provides education, support, and advocacy for the LGBT community.Yes.The LGBT Center Offers community and informal support for concerns related to sexual orientation and gender identity.Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern specifically related to sexual orientation and gender identity.  Email staff. See list here.
ResourceDescriptionIs it confidential?What kind of support do they offer?What kind of conflicts do they address?How should I contact them?
Office of the ChaplainUniversity office responsible to the Provost for the oversight and coordination of religious activities on the campus. Yes.The Office of the Chaplain is available for pastoral support, guidance, or informal advising and counseling.Conflicts in the workplace (i.e. mentor or colleague) and other professional/personal matters of concern.Call 215-898-8456 on weekdays or contact the chaplains directly.