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German Academic International Network (GAIN)


The German Academic International Network (GAIN) is a network of scientists and researchers of all disciplines from Germany, working at leading research institutions worldwide with a special focus on the United States and Canada. GAIN helps its members maintain and build their international networks and facilitates transatlantic mobility and cooperation. We inform about career and funding opportunities and recent developments in science policy in Germany.


GAIN advises and informs scientists and researchers about career opportunities in Germany and facilitates contacts with potential employers. In our newsletter and on the website, we provide updates on current developments in science policy and relevant calls for application and funding. We want to help turn the skills and knowledge acquired abroad into key assets for a successful career in Germany.


GAIN connects German scientists and researchers to each other as well as to potential collaborators and employers in academia and industry. Moreover, we offer access to a network of experts and mentors for budding entrepreneurs and innovators.

Career Building

GAIN provides researchers and scientists with the right tools to actively shape their own careers. Experts and peers from all areas of the German and North American research landscapes offer support and provide valuable insights and best practices. GAIN’s flagship event is the annual meeting, held alternately in San Francisco and Boston with representatives from science, research, business, and politics. At the local level, our members can participate in events such as the Stammtische or chapters, trade fairs, and workshops.

Advanced graduate students and postdocs from any college, university, or research laboratory begin by creating a postdoc profile including biographical information; statements of research, diversity, and mentoring; a short CV; and up to 4 research interest areas.

Faculty members and senior research scientists wanting to reach out to potential postdocs create a research group profile including statements of research and mentoring; opportunities available to postdocs; contact instructions; and up to 4 research interest areas. Once a research group profile is created, any number of postdoc job listings can be added.

With an account and a submitted profile, users are automatically matched to all the profiles and job postings, based on shared areas of research interest. Users can also browse and search through all postings in the Portal.

Contact Information

German postdocs in Philadelphia may contact

German postdocs at Penn may contact Dr. Carsten Skarke at the Perelman School of Medicine.