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EURAXESS North America

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EURAXESS North America is an initiative of the European Commission established to provide free access to information about research in Europe, opportunities for research funding, international collaboration, and transnational mobility. It links researchers in the United States and Canada to Europe and is open to all nationalities and research fields.

If you are interested in any of the following, stay in touch with us:

  • To receive information about European funding opportunities under the research and innovation framework program Horizon Europe, with special emphasis on the European Research Council (ERC), Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA), national government funding, and entrepreneurial collaboration.
  • To establish interfaces with existing European Member States and Association Countries research networks – To remain updated about funding opportunities at the European and national levels through bimonthly flash notes, quarterly newsletters, and daily social media posts.
  • To become part of the EU Research and Innovation community and network with like-minded people. We also support the European scientific diasporas in North America.

Regardless of your field, nationality, and research level, they can connect you or keep you connected to Europe!