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Chezare A. Warren headshot
Fellowship Start Year




Research Topic

Policy Studies in Urban Education


Chezare A. Warren

The Graduate School for Education


Chezare A. Warren, Ph.D., is a renowned scholar and educator, currently serving as an Associate Professor of Equity & Inclusion in Education Policy at Vanderbilt University-Peabody College. His work focuses on race, intersectional justice, and the conditions that facilitate Black learners’ holistic well-being in education and beyond.

At Penn, Dr. Warren conducted significant research on creating intentional spaces, counternarratives, and counterpublics in educational environments. Under the mentorship of Dr. Howard Stevenson, he focused on understanding and enhancing the educational experiences of Black youth through culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogical practices.

He has held academic positions at Stanford University, New York University, and Michigan State University. Dr. Warren has authored influential books, including “Centering Possibility in Black Education” and “Urban Preparation.” His work has been published in journals like Educational Researcher and Urban Education.

Postdoc Appointment

  • Applied Psychology & Human Development
Penn Faculty Mentor
  • Howard Stevenson, Ph.D.


  • 2012, Ph.D., Policy Studies in Urban Education, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • 2008, M.A., School Leadership, Concordia University
  • 2005, B.S., Elementary Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Disertation Title

Operationalizing the Empathy Effect: A Mixed-Methods Study of Student-Teacher Interaction between White Female Teachers and Black Male Students

Research Advisors
  • Steven Tozer Ph.D