Angela Crumdy
Dr. Crumdy’s primary research interests include the social lives of teachers, teacher retention, and social reproduction theory. She is particularly interested in the experiences of Black women educators throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the United States and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. As a postdoctoral researcher, she is involved with research about the educational trajectory of Cubans on the island and in the United States. She currently serves as the co-chair for the Council on Anthropology and Education standing committee focused on African Americans, African Diaspora, and Education. Dr. Crumdy has also been named a 2023-2024 National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) IMPACT Fellow. Previously, Dr. Crumdy served as the Secretary/Historian for the American Educational Research Association’s Doctoral Student Council.
Postdoc Appointment
- Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division
Penn Faculty Mentor
- Amalia Dache, Ph.D.
- 2022, Ph.D., The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
- 2012, B.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Disertation Title
Teaching Revolution: Women Primary School Teachers, Race, and Social Reproduction in Cuba
Research Advisors
- Dana-Ain Davis, Ph.D.