Family Meet Up: Ice Skating Extravaganza — Presented by the Family Resource Center

The Family Resource Center invites the Penn Postdocs with families to the next Family Meet Up at Penn Ice Rink. Families are invited to spend the afternoon at the Penn Ice Rink, where a private room is reserved from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Public skating is from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Children’s books and games will be available in the room from 12:00 PM to 2:45 PM
Building admission and skate rental will be covered for registrants. Families are encouraged to arrive at noon with their own lunches. Pizza will also be provided on a first come, first serve basis.
Kindly arrange for your travel to the Penn Ice Rink. Transportation will not be provided for this event. Our reserved room is the “Quaker Room,” located upstairs. There is no elevator, but Family Center staff will be available to help with strollers. Upon entry, please mention that you are with the “Penn Family Center.” Family Center staff will be present for support.
Sponsored by the Penn Family Resource Center
Type: In-person
Location: Penn Ice Rink, Jones Way, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Audience: Open to current Penn student parents, postdocs, and visiting scholars with young children
Registration: Registration is REQUIRED