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Call for Applications — Erasmus+

July 02, 2024
All Day


Erasmus+ is the European Union’s program to support education, training, and youth, and sport in Europe. Erasmus+ fosters collaboration and student mobility worldwide, with an emphasis on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and youth participation in democratic life.

U.S. institutions may benefit from the following Erasmus+ opportunities

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions

Jean Monnet Actions are initiatives funded by Erasmus+ that take place in colleges and universities all over the world. These initiatives support teaching, learning, research and debates on various aspects of the European Union. More than 25 institutions get support to offer public conferences, expert debates, webinars and more. They can be awarded a grant as a Center of Excellence, a thematic network or for an activity. Learn more about Jean Monnet Actions near you.

Facilitate student semester exchanges or staff mobility

U.S. universities can host student and faculty exchange programs as part of the International Credit Mobility program of Erasmus+

Also known as International Credit Mobility, the objective of Mobility from Erasmus+ Countries to Partner Countries like the US is twofold. First, it provides more opportunities to students and staff to have an international experience as well as to acquire forward-looking and other relevant skills worldwide. Second, it enables higher education institutions from Erasmus+ Countries to establish long-term sustainable international cooperation with partner institutions from Partner Countries. The European higher education institution applies on behalf of a partnership and shows the added value of the grants for the collaboration. This is part of the annual call for proposals Erasmus+ Learning Mobility of Individuals.

Support curriculum design and innovative teaching 

U.S. universities can apply for funding for strategic projects along with European partners 

Erasmus+ funds Strategic Partnerships between European universities and a limited number of other international partners, including institutions from the United States. These partnerships might aim to build an app facilitating student exchanges across Europe or elaborate better curricula for relevant topics. The project, Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies in Europe (EISCAS) organized conferences, developed a wiki as well as a free handbook and federated a community. George Washington University has been a project partner and has benefited along with their European counterparts.

Foster cooperation between higher education and the economic sector

U.S. universities can apply for Erasmus+ support for innovative projects that bring together higher education and business 

Alliances for Innovation are transnational, structured and result-driven projects, notably between higher education and business. The Alliances are open to any discipline, sector and to cross-sectoral cooperation. The partners share common goals and work together towards mutually beneficial results and outcomes. The PathBio project brings together an ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance consortium from across the globe to cooperate on pooling resources and expertise to build the framework for a European postgraduate degree in Precision pathobiology for disease models. Charles River Laboratories brings American expertise to this project. This and many more Alliances are presented here.
